「拾趣Uplifting life 」
個展Solo exhibition @KC100 Art Space, Kwai Hing
27/11/2021 -8/1/2022
作品介紹/About artwork
1. 「這是香港/This is Hong Kong 」系列 因為蔬果網的形態活像建築物 ,Agnes 很已有創作香港景貌的念頭。有一天靈感到來,她便隨心而發,創作了第一幅以蔬果網拼貼的香港景貌作品,背景還畫上了獅子山。隨後,她嘗試以白色和黃色蔬果網表達建築物的形態,拼貼在畫上藍天白雲的畫布上,襯托出香港景色,象徵美好及希望。而她最新的作品是以黃、紅、白和綠色蔬果網拼貼出香港富有特色的建築物,如:匯豐銀行、中環中心、中國銀行以及西港城等。每幢建築物均以兩色為主,密密麻麻的建築物正是香港的特徵。 Agnes saw the likeness of the shape of foam nets with the image of buildings. She attempted to make a collage representing the over crowded Hong Kong landscape with the Lion Rock mountain as a background. After that, she used white and yellow foam nets to create the view of buildings over a painted canvas showing a cloudy blue sky, representing hope and bright future. Her latest work plays with colours (white, red, green, and yellow) in presenting some signature Hong Kong buildings like HSBC, Bank of China, Central Plaza, and the Western market which can be recognized at a glance. |
2.「珊瑚/Corals 」系列
Agnes 以蔬果網造了4幅不同形態的珊瑚來表達海洋之美,同時帶出愛護環境及減少塑膠污染海洋的信息。Agnes 以創作剩餘的蔬果網碎片,以抽象的方式去表達各種珊瑚形態,還在珊瑚群中間畫了不同種類的魚兒,讓讀者欣賞作品時發掘箇中樂趣。Agnes再嘗試以另一種方法去表達海洋珊瑚顏色鮮艷奪目之美。她不但運用蔬果網原來的顏色及形態,還加上塑膠及飲管等材料,讀者仔細看看也能發現魚兒在珊瑚中穿梭。Agnes 吸取兩幅創作的經驗,並加以改良,以比較細緻的手法來表達珊瑚形態。顏色配搭突出,是她最喜愛的一幅。而最後一幅作品,Agnes 以藍色塑膠彩畫出珊瑚的形態後再貼上加工後的蔬果網來突出珊瑚的質感。 A total of 4 pieces representing the beauty of different coral forms with the aim of drawing people’s attention to the issue of ocean pollution. Agnes has made a collage of abstract images of corals using small pieces of foam nets which were the leftover from previous project. The second, more colourful and vivid piece represents the many diverse types of corals. You can find fish hiding behind corals if you take a closer look. The third one, which is Agnes’ favorite is more detailed presentation. The final one is a painted image of corals with small pieces of white foam nets representing the corals’ texture. |
3.「貝殼花/Shell flowers」系列
Agnes 自小喜愛收集貝殼又喜歡吃海鮮,所以把吃剩的蜆殼做出自創的「三朵花瓣」花朵,配上珠仔及不同環保物料,造出不同形態的貝殼花。是次展出五幅掛畫,是以造紙方法在用過的畫布上做出質感來襯托花之美,不但表現出朝氣勃勃,有萬象更新及非常鼓舞的感覺,更能帶出物盡其用、愛護大自然、愛護海洋等環保訊息。 Agnes loves seashells and sea food. The 3-petal shell flower made from clams was her signature artwork in the early stage which represented love and hope. Besides the flowers in pots, Agnes presented them with different decorations on old canvases covered with used magazines. |
4.「行到邊、畫到邊 /walk & sketch」
+「香檳蓋椅子/champagne cap chairs」系列
Agnes 喜歡隨身帶備紙和筆,行到邊、畫到邊,以速寫方法記錄所見所聞。還有她喜歡以香檳蓋做出不同形態的迷你椅子,至今已做過超過100張。是次展出大約40多張,配上20幅速畫給大家欣賞。
Agnes likes to bring a pen and a sketchbook with her. She can spend 5-10 minutes to do a quick sketch whenever she likes just to capture the mood and image of the scenery. Making champagne caps chairs is one of her favorite hobbies and she has made more than 100 pieces in different styles. In this exhibition, she is showing around 40 of them together with 20 sketches.
+「香檳蓋椅子/champagne cap chairs」系列
Agnes 喜歡隨身帶備紙和筆,行到邊、畫到邊,以速寫方法記錄所見所聞。還有她喜歡以香檳蓋做出不同形態的迷你椅子,至今已做過超過100張。是次展出大約40多張,配上20幅速畫給大家欣賞。
Agnes likes to bring a pen and a sketchbook with her. She can spend 5-10 minutes to do a quick sketch whenever she likes just to capture the mood and image of the scenery. Making champagne caps chairs is one of her favorite hobbies and she has made more than 100 pieces in different styles. In this exhibition, she is showing around 40 of them together with 20 sketches.
5. 「聯繫/connect 」系列
垃圾膠袋常附有鐵線以用作封口,但很多人沒有留意也沒有使用,它便成為了廢物。Agnes 從鄰居收集來的鐵線,把它一條一條聯繫起來創作出立體作品。作品形態並不重要,其背後意義是:即使一件不顯眼的物件,只要適當利用,便能人與人聯繫起來,這也是一種「拾趣」的意義。 The shapes and images of these two artworks do not matter but the meaning behind them does. Connecting small pieces of twisted rubbish bag wires one by one represents connecting people together while Agnes was collecting the wires from her neighbours. The sculptures represent love, caring and community. |
7.「希望之花/loop of hope」系列
每個人都會走在煩惱的圈子裏,不斷兜圈,但是只要我們抱有希望,積極面對,問題總能解決。正如沒有用的物件只要在適當的環境,適當地利用便會重新帶出它的價值。Agnes 以枯枝造成圓圈代表困難,而蔬果網花則代表希望。 People tend to get stuck in a loop but there is always a way out if we think positively. Agnes uses natural dried sticks to form the loops while foam net flowers represent hope. |