Themed “A Green Spring”, Agnes Pang is presenting her world of beauty made out of ordinary household garbage. Spring symbolises the rebirth of garbage after a second life is given to the waste materials which in turn brings people joy and happiness. In addition to her upcycled art, also on display are some of Pang’s paintings on bricks. In Cantonese, the homonym of “brick wall” is “talent”. She wants to convey the message that everyone has talent and the key is for people to understand their talents and make use of them.
Pang has her own take on art and education – she tries to encourage children to express their creativity, think critically and establish their personal styles. She hopes her students, making use of the characteristics of the materials that they work with, would create something of their own. “Art is like magic which can transform simple objects and ideas into delightful pieces. I feel like a magician when I turn things that people often neglect into something surprisingly beautiful,” said Pang. Her art pieces are very simple – she deliberately makes her works small for easy display and collection. The small size of the materials also makes it flexible for children to experiment with. With creativity, Pang believes trash can be turned into treasure. Pang obtained her fine arts degree from the University of Hong Kong. She then achieved a degree in law from the University of London, a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Surrey as well as a master’s degree in Japanese studies from the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong. An art lover and upcycling enthusiast, Pang is the founder of Draw 2 – Art & Language Studio. Her programmes emphasise the creation of art and craft from materials found in daily lives and her works are often featured on TV, radio, newspapers and magazines. She has also been running workshops for schools, non-profit organisations and community groups. |
A Green Spring 綠惜春天
Exhibition Period: 24/4-30/6/2018 Venue: MTR Central Station Exit J 春天給人朝氣,就如我們給予「廢物」一個新生命,讓它們為每個人帶給喜悅。是次展出作品,Agnes以常見的蔬果網、蜆殼、雞蛋盒、廁紙桶及香檳蓋等為材料,造出大部分以花為題的作品。除了環保創作外,Agnes還展出她擅長畫的磚牆畫作。「磚牆」是「專長」的諧音,有相關意義。她認為每一個人都有自己的專長,應懂得善用發揮。而她繪畫的專長便是畫「磚牆」。
Agnes對於藝術及兒童教育有獨特的看法:培養小朋友發揮創意,獨立思考及建立個人風格是教育重要的一環。她希望小朋友能夠認識每種物料的特性,加上藝術元素及想像力從而創作出具個人風格的藝術作品。 她說:「藝術就好像魔術一樣,可以讓平凡的東西與意念變得不平凡,令人嘆為觀止及帶給人們無限的喜悅。而我就像魔法師一樣,把觀眾眼中忽略的東西,變成美麗、意想不到的作品,為他們帶來啟示。」 Agnes 的作品非常簡單。她特意把作品設計得細小精巧以便於展出及收藏;小朋友可以隨意加上個人風格,設計及創造出自己喜愛的作品。Agnes深信只要有好的意念,加上簡單的繪畫技巧,即使是垃圾,也可「化腐朽為神奇」,令廢物「起死回生」,變成精美的作品。 Agnes 為香港大學畢業生,其後獲得英國倫敦大學法律學士、英國Surrey大學工商管理碩士及香港理工大學日語碩士。從事藝術顧問及市場推廣工作多年,近年更推動文化教育,至今不遺餘力。她向來主張「人棄我取」,一直善用生活資源,把人們眼中的「垃圾」變成創作材料。她於 2012 年創辦的Draw 2 - Art and Language Studio,鼓勵小朋友要多動腦筋、多思考及自我創作,並懂得善用資源,愛護環境。 在推廣環保藝術方面,由於作品及理念創新,Agnes在這幾年間,經常接受不同報章及雜誌訪問及報導,分享創作心得及作品欣賞。同時她亦在親子教育網站擔任專欄作家及顧問。此外,Agnes亦不時應邀出席多項大型活動及積極參與社區及學校藝術教育推廣工作。 |