Paintings on Toilet paper rolls
Leftover paint 剩餘顏料
The paint Agnes used was the leftover paint from the classes. As Acrylic dries quickly and Agnes doesn't want to waste it, She would stay in the studio and use them to paint on the paper rolls.
Agnes喜歡用上課後的剩餘顏料繪畫。塑膠彩是一種很快乾的顏料,每次下課後一定會有一些剩餘顏料。為了不浪費及善用資源,Agnes 會留在畫室,用這些剩餘顏料繪畫在廁紙筒上。 68 pieces of paintings on toilet paper rolls are going to be displayed.
Foam Nets Art
Shell Art
Cork Art
Egg Carton Art
Paintings on Bottles
In addition to her upcycled art, also on display are some of Pang’s paintings on bricks. In Cantonese, the homonym of “brick wall” is “talent”. She wants to convey the message that everyone has talent and the key is for people to understand their talents and make use of them.