Agnes Pang (彭淑儀)
人棄我取 Agnes為香港大學畢業生,其後獲得英國倫敦大學法律學士、英國Surrey大學工商管理碩士及香港理工大學日語碩士。此外,她更獲英國Savoy專業管家證書及美國IAPO禮儀顧問證書。從事藝術顧問及市場推廣工作多年,近年更積極推動文化教育,至今不遺餘力。 她向來主張「人棄我取」,一直善用生活資源,把人們眼中的「垃圾」變成創作材料。她於 2012 年創辦 的Draw 2- Art and Language Studio,鼓勵小朋友要多動腦筋、多思考及自我創作,並懂得善用資源,愛護環境。此外,她於2015年創立自家品牌 “Agnes Recycles”,結合創意及藝術,給廢棄物料賦予新生命,使它重生成具欣賞價值和藝術感的作品。 在推廣環保藝術方面,由於作品及理念創新,Agnes經常接受不同報章及雜誌訪問及報導,分享創作心得及作品欣賞,次數多達200次以上(不包括專欄文章):如南華早報、蘋果日報、經濟日報、頭條新聞、東方日報、晴報、星島日報、am730、東周刊、壹週刊、兒童快報等;或擔任電視及電台嘉賓如TVB[都市閒情/安樂蝸/文化新領域/放學ICU/Think Big天地」、亞洲電視[通識小學堂]、新城商業電及商業電台等。廣為人知的是她擔任兒童節目「 Think Big天地 之齊齊Art Like」導師主持(共51集),也在ATV兒童節目「通識小學堂」擔任嘉賓導師(共11集)。同時她亦在親子教育網站擔任專欄作家及顧問。 Agnes 亦不時應邀出席多項大型活動,如第12及第13屆香港冬季購物節「香港創意無限大.工作坊」及香港蜆殼有限公司 與 綠色力量 合辦《觸「木」蝶變》;及積極參與社區/學校藝術教育推廣工作,如保良局「綠綠無窮」/「綠在深水埗」計畫;東華三院「長者服務」/基督教家庭服務中心「綠在沙田」/「都市綠洲」/ 東華三院「長者服務」/聖公會麥理浩夫人中心「惜物減廢計劃」/「Wegogreen」/東涌社區服務/香港小童群益會及勞工處「青年就業起點」等環保藝術工作坊等即場示範及推廣環保藝術。2019年獲K11邀請為其出席周年Town Hall meeting的600名員工舉行環保創意工作坊。同年也獲日本品牌「TIGER」邀請,到訪40多間本地學校推行環保教育。 Agnes 深信藝術源於生活及希望藝術普及化。她以個人之力,在沒有資金支持下,自定「區區由我」計劃,積極參與社區義務藝術推廣工作。在這十年間,她到訪不同學校、社區中心及參與大型商場活動等免費推廣藝術創作,希望將藝術訊息帶給市民。2015 年獲亞洲品牌發展協會選為「香港最受歡迎品牌--大會至尊推介入圍品牌」之一;2019年她聯乘本地連鎖餐廳香港地的「香港地、有您哋」畫展,獲得由Marketing Magazine 主辦的最佳公關推廣銅獎。2022年獲英國雜誌BUILD 頒發「most eco-conscious multimedia artists -Asia 」。 Agnes的環保藝術作品及畫作曾於香港及海外展出,詳情請參閱展覽一頁。 |
Agnes Pang
Agnes, a versatile artist hailing from Hong Kong, excels in multifarious roles as an author, columnist, event organizer, TV host, and art and language tutor. She is also proficient in etiquette training. With a Fine Arts and History degree from the University of Hong Kong, Agnes broadened her academic horizon by acquiring a Law degree from the University of London, an MBA from the University of Surrey, UK, and a master's degree in Japanese studies from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She is certified by the Savoy Butler Academy, UK, as a professional Butler, and by the IAPO, US, as an Etiquette consultant, underlining her passion for continuous self-improvement and learning. Agnes held the position of Honorary President at the Island Regional Association of the Hong Kong Girl Guide Association from 2018 to 2022. Since 2020, she has been a columnist for the Hong Kong Economic Times, sharing her expertise. Agnes also served as a consultant and columnist for several educational organizations, providing valuable insights and guidance. Agnes is the founder of Draw 2 - Art and Language Studio, accessible at Her art programs are known for their innovative use of everyday materials in creating captivating art and craft items. These programs have received immense attention and are often featured on TV, newspapers, radio, and magazines. With over 200 media appearances, excluding her columns, Agnes has emerged as a leading persona in the world of arts. Under her guidance, Draw 2 has been showered with prestigious accolades, including recognition as "one of the most famous brands" by ABDA Ltd. In September 2015, Agnes launched "Agnes Recycles," a brand focused on selling handmade recycled products and organizing workshops for various clients, attesting to her commitment to sustainability and environmental consciousness. A passionate art enthusiast, Agnes actively promotes art appreciation and creativity in Hong Kong. She shares her creative ideas through various channels to inspire others. Apart from writing for education websites, Agnes hosted a recycled art segment on Think Big Family, a kids' TV program on TVB, for a year, covering 51 episodes. She was also a guest on an ATV kids' program for 11 episodes. In November 2016, Agnes published a bilingual recycled DIY book, "Agnes Recycles - Arts and Crafts," emphasizing the joy art can bring by using everyday materials. Through this book, she encourages readers to explore their creativity and adopt sustainable art practices. Agnes extends her message beyond her book through the "I am everywhere" project, aiming to promote art within the community through talks, workshops, and events. She offers free workshops to schools and community centers, fostering the artistic talents of the younger generation. Her artwork has been displayed in Hong Kong and abroad, allowing her ideas to reach a wider audience. In 2019, Agnes's art exhibition "You and me in Hong Kong Day" won the PR award, acknowledging her remarkable contribution to art promotion and community engagement. Additionally, the UK magazine "BUILD" recognized her efforts in educating about environmental sustainability by honoring her with the title of "most eco-conscious multimedia artist - Asia." Agnes's commitment to promoting art appreciation, creativity, and environmental sustainability has left a significant imprint on Hong Kong's art scene and beyond. Her multifaceted engagement through writing, television, publishing, workshops, and exhibitions, allows her to reach diverse audiences, inspiring them to realize the power of art in their lives. |