HK Electric Happy Green Fair @Central Market 2023
Art work title: The heart of the forest
Artist: Agnes Pang Recycled Materials: LAN cables, copper from electric wires, labels of plastic bottles and paper rolls About the art work: Mangroves play a vital role in minimizing global climate change by capturing and holding carbon dioxide, acting as a carbon sink. The wire sculptures represent the propagules of Kandeliaobovata , the most widespread mangrove species in Hong Kong. They are intentionally enlarged and unique in shape, color, and material to create a stark contrast with the minimalized mangrove trees made from labels of plastic bottles, electric wires and toilet paper rolls. This is designed to catch the attention of audiences and raise their awareness of the scale of environmental issues. While the growth of mangroves from a propagule to a mature tree can be challenging, they can thrive in a healthy environment. This represents ongoing efforts to educate the public on the importance of environmental protection, starting from early childhood and reinforced positively. With the development of new technologies, many new forms of waste are being created, including LAN cables that are being discarded as 5G and Wi-Fi replace them. Agnes seeks to draw attention to this issue and encourage people to explore these materials for making art and to practice the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle). The artwork showcases the natural beauty, color, and characteristics of the discarded materials. |
Discarded Materials used in this project
Work in progress
Creatures in Mangroves