2020 Calendar
Seafront of Tung Chung
with 25 paintings of Tung Chung along the seafront (including watercolour and acrylic)
size:14.5cm x 11.5cm
outside: 14.5cm x 15cm
In Agnes' eyes
Tung Chung is situated in the northwestern coast of Lantau Island, Hong Kong where Agnes has been living for 12 years. She enjoys capturing the beautiful scenery and the on-going construction work along the seafront with brush and colour. She would like to share with you 25 paintings in this calendar. Limited stock is available @ $120 each (including local postage). To order, please email to [email protected]. Thank you for your interest and support! |
藝術家筆下的東涌海岸 東涌位於大嶼山,原本是一個寧靜的鄉鎮,但隨着新機場的發展,東涌成為了一個新市鎮。大型商場、酒店、公共屋邨、私人樓宇以及公共設施等相繼興建,令原來的面貌大大改變。Agnes居住在這地方已有12年,特別對沿海的大型填海工程、建築躉船、魚船及小艇感興趣,不時實地寫生,以水彩速寫及塑膠彩繪畫等方式寫實地記錄下來。現精選其中25幅畫作印製出精美的月曆。售價$120(已包本地郵費)。如欲訂購請電郵 [email protected]。 多謝支持! |
Version 1: Light Green
Version 2: Dark Green
Image of paintings